9 Months!

IMG_2510-1Our boy is 9 months old today! I can’t believe it! (Guest appearance in the picture by our sweet pup Toby 🙂 ). Our 6 lb 12 oz little baby has now grown to 18 lb 10 oz! Time seriously has gone by so so fast. I’m trying to hold on to each little memory as best as I can while watching him learn and grow and discover everything around him. This boy can sit completely on his own, he loves to stand, roll, talk, SMILE. He loves people, sleep, eating his bottle and fruits (not so much veggies!) and being active- pulling up on our fingers and raising his arms out or up to be held (LOVE that by the way!) He is not at all interested in crawling. I honestly think this boy will walk before he crawls!

He is in the mid percentiles for height (28.25 in) and weight but fits well into 12 month clothes and 6-12 month clothes. It’s still funny how “off” different brands are. For some stores his size is still considered a “baby” while others he fits in “toddler” clothes- it really is baffling how different each store and brand really are.  In Carters he wears 12 month, Koala Baby 18 month, Gap and Old Navy 6-12 month. We are all over the place but I think I’ve finally gotten it down and resisted the urge to buy too much “ahead of time” not knowing what size we will be in during what season.

I am absolutely loving this season and loving how interactive our little man is. He is such a treasure and we are so thankful for his addition to our lives!