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TWO. Happy Birthday to our sweet boy Jude William. Hard to believe you joined our family just two short years ago! Jude loves and adores his “DaDa!” He also loves hugging his sisters and helps me walk them into school every morning, hardly ever leaving their side. He loves to play with his Elmo, Little Tykes car, any type of ball, play doh, coloring and crafts and he loves loves his paci. He reads books to school every morning and at night in his bed. He loves to dance after he takes a bath and talks ALL DAY LONG. ? He is so silly and sweet and loves, loves to cuddle. You find him most often in someone’s arms. Our favorite game is chase and he is already an expert at avoiding me when I try to take his picture.

Jude can still fit into some 18-24 month clothes but we are finally phasing those out and wearing all 2T now. He wears size 4 diapers and eats everything we eat. He still loves water and milk (and juice on special occasions) and his favorite foods are probably applesauce, strawberries, taco meat and goldish!

We are so blessed by the gift of our sweet son. Happy Birthday Jude William! We love you!

Peanut Butter Cookie (Sandwiches)


It’s birthday week for KH which means homemade cookies every night! Ok, actually two nights but still.. I’m making all of his favs- sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies (basically every variety without chocolate). While we didn’t make the sandwiches this time around, if you’re looking for a fun and different spin on cookies try it out- it’s almost like a homemade version of a do-si-do Girl Scout Cookie. Enjoy!

Cookie Ingredients:

  • 1 cup butter (2 sticks)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup PB
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Peanut Butter filling

  • 1/2 cup pb
  • 4T milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3 cups powdered sugar

1. Cream together butter and sugars in a large bowl. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Blend in pb and vanilla.

2. Sift together (I don’t believe in sifting) flour, baking soda and salt.

3. Stir into creamed mixture. Form dough into 1″ balls. Place on greased cookie sheet 2″ apart. Flatten with floured fork to make “hatches”. Bake at 375F for 8 minutes or until brown.

4. Let cool, get your filling on.

*Recipe yields about 60 single cookies

7 Months!

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Happy 7 months baby girls. In this past month you both started solid baby food and are slowly getting the hang of it. Applesauce is the current favorite. You both are so close to sitting up on your own but not quite yet. Maisie loves to roll all over and is hardly ever in the same place you leave her in. She also loves standing and playing in the exersaucer and moves backward in Jude’s walker. Sloane is still our laid back baby- often content wherever she is and just wants to be held and talked to. Crazy weekend so pj pics were the best we could manage this time around. We love these babies!

6 months and solids

Screen Shot 2016-04-01 at 8.17.34 PMHappy 6 months to our sweet baby girls! Wow! I can’t believe 6 months has gone by already! These two are so sweet! They smile and giggle and its so much fun when they recognize our faces. They love Jude and love watching him play around them. He also brings them toys from time to time and more often will lean over and kiss or hug them! One of my favorite things is how they greet us in the morning- every day when we walk in to get them out of bed we gently wake them up and they will look up at us and instantly smile. It is so sweet!

IMG_2880Sloane is still pretty laid back. She likes watching everything around her. She can roll all the way over now! She loves to smile and giggle and sleeps on her side most of the time but always start with her right thumb in her mouth.



Maisie is our wiggler. Always looking to move around and look around however possible. She can roll halfway and loves meeting new people. She falls asleepon her back with her right hand over her face, usually with her wrist over her mouth!

Oh how I love our sweet baby girls!


When I first started this blog I had two goals in mind. 1) Help other moms who are just trying to figure babies out and 2) Help myself remember what do! I’ve definitely accomplished the 2nd goal and I hope from time to time I’ve accomplished the 1st as well. Today was one of those days where I was so thankful for writing things down. The girls turn 6 months today which means its the start of solids in the Harvey Home. Goodness I’m so thankful for all the posts I wrote on baby food but most importanly Introducing Solids and a 4 hour feeding schedule with solids. Our girls are on a 4 hour schedule and have been since they were 3 months old. With 3 children under 2 years old the move to a 4 hour schedule quickly was not only out of sanity but our girls were just honestly ready and not hungry anymore at 3 hours. As a refresher here is their current (non solid) schedule:

  • 6AM – Wake and Eat 7 oz
  • 8–10AM – Nap
  • 10AM – Eat 7oz
  • 12PM-2PM – Nap
  • 2PM- Eat 7oz
  • 4PM-6PM – Nap
  • 6PM- Eat 7oz
  • In bed by 6:30PM

And here will be their revised schedule starting tomorrow. We will start with introducing the morning solid feeding and then after about 2 weeks or so will add one afternoon solid feeding and then finally the last afternoon feeding.

  • 6AM Wake him up and Eat – 7 oz bottle
  • 7AM – baby food (usually 1 fruit and 1 veggie)
  • 9-10AM – nap
  • 10AM Eat – 7 oz bottle
  • 11AM baby food
  • 12PM-2PM – nap
  • 2PM Eat – 7 oz bottle
  • 3PM – baby food
  • 4 –6PM – nap
  • 6PM Bath, Bottle, Bed – 7 oz bottle

Lastly, the actual order of solid foods. Some recommendations include starting with cereal then fruits then orange and yellow veggies then green veggies then meats. Others recommend doing all veggies first then fruits. I do some alternating and I plan to skip cereal this time around. Jude didn’t love it and I’d rather give them some fruits and veggies over a cereal.

Here’s our order of solids to start with the girls. I’ll be adding in how they react as we try each!

  • Carrots
  • Bananas
  • Butternut Squash
  • Apples
  • Peas
  • Pears

Chocolate Peanut Butter Blondies

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And what family get together would be complete without an assortment of desserts. So not only did we enjoy Kyle’s family’s famous Nut Butter balls at our Easter dinner yesterday but I also decided to make a new dessert as well. Chocolate and peanut butter candies in a blondie, topped with vanilla ice cream. What more could you need?! Enjoy 🙂


  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 10 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 3 large eggs, whisked
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 9-12 Reese’s 6oz peanut butter eggs (usually individually wrapped)
  • 1 bag peanut butter M&Ms


  1. Heat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare 9×13 baking dish sprayed with cooking spray and sprinkled lightly with flour.
  2. Cream butter and sugar in a large bowl. Add in eggs and vanilla and blend until combined.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  4. Pour into the butter mixture and stir with a wooden spoon.
  5. Press 1/2 the dough into the pan (coat your hands with flour and spread with your hands if needed).
  6. Cut the Reese’s eggs into small chunks and lay them on top of the dough.
  7. Place the remaining cookie dough on top of the Reese’s by dropping in spoonfuls.
  8. Gently press the peanut butter M&Ms on top.
  9. Bake for 35-40 minutes. When done, the bars will look puffy and the edges will be golden brown. The dough should still be soft in the center as it will finish cooking a bit while cooling.
  10. Allow bars to cool. Eat while warm with ice cream! Heavenly!

Original recipe available HERE.

From our family to yours.. Happy Easter!

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Loaded Mashed Potato Casserole

Well yesterday was a success- a successful Easter dinner with the family. We kept it easy and the stress low and I think we all ended the night happy and full 🙂 With help from my parents and my MIL we had a Honey Baked ham, green bean casserole, salad and then these tasty (I think so at least! 🙂 ) mashed potatoes. I wanted a side that I could do some of the prep work ahead of time and then finish as we got closer to eating time. These potatoes were not only tasty but super super easy. One thing to note – grocery stores aren’t open on Easter 🙂 So we made this without the sour cream- I’m assuming it would be even better with it but we were just fine without it too!

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5 lb russet potatoes
1/2 cup butter
8 oz cream cheese, cubed
1 cup sour cream
2 cups cheddar cheese, divided
2.8 oz jar real bacon pieces (or 10 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled)
4 green onions, sliced thin
2 teaspoons kosher salt


  • Peel and chop potatoes, place into a large stockpot.
  • Cover with water and bring to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Test a larger piece by piercing with a fork to make sure they’re cooked through and tender. Remove pot from heat, drain potatoes and place back in pot.
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Smash potatoes with the back of a wooden spoon, it’s ok if there are still chunks.
  • Stir in butter and cubed cream cheese. Keep stirring until completely melted.
  • Add in sour cream, 1 1/2 cups cheddar, 3 sliced green onions, salt, and bacon pieces (reserve 1/4 cup bacon pieces for topping).
  • Spread into a greased 3 quart baking dish.
  • Sprinkle remaining cheddar, bacon pieces, and sliced green onion over top.
  • Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and potatoes are heated through.

Original post available HERE.

Nut Butter Balls

Screen Shot 2016-03-26 at 10.21.46 PMI love it when my husband tells me stories from when he was growing up. There is something so sweet about family traditions and stories from a long time ago. This recipe and these cookies are one of those sweet stories. When KH was growing up his Grandma used to make these cookies every Christmas. Then his mom began helping and over the past several years took on the tradition herself once Grandma was in a nursing home.  Grandma passed away last year and we didn’t have the cookies for the first of many Christmases. Somehow the idea came up to make these for Easter and so here you go.. nut butter balls that have in a way doubled as what I like to call “tombstone cookies” because they remind me of the large tombstone that was rolled away on Easter morning where Jesus was buried. Despite my (what I like to think) clever tie in to Easter,  KH is pretty firm on the fact that these will remain a Christmas tradition. Still sounds perfect to me!

Beat together thoroughly:
1  cup butter
½  cup sifted confectioners’ sugar
1  tsp vanilla

Sift together and stir in:
2 1/4 cups sifted flour
1/4 tsp salt

Stir in:
3/4 cup finely chopped pecans

Chill dough. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Roll into 1″ balls. Place 2 ½” apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake until set but not brown, about 10-12 minutes.
Gently remove from baking sheet while still warm and roll in sifted confectioner’s sugar, then cool on cooling rack. Roll again when cool, then store in an air tight container.

Makes about 3 dozen cookies.

Baby Girl Clothes

So I love to shop. Seriously. I absolutely LOVE IT. It’s one of my favorite things to do. When I was single it was for clothes, once I got married it was for furniture and home decor. But now that I have kids its all about the kids…mainly their clothes! I absolutely love shopping for baby clothes! It’s so fun! I enjoyed it with Jude but now having two girls I’m obsessed! My latest obsession and newest discovery.. Matilda Jane.. don’t get me started- I know nothing about the brand but have already fallen in love with all the patterns and styles and I’m trying to figure out how to get a trunk keeper to become my very best friend. But of course, as with everything else, my wallet can’t support my taste and so I’ve been stalking Matilda Jane Facebook resale groups (I’ve already joined eight.. that’s right eight!) trying to find the latest deals. Which I might add is nearly impossible when you need two of everything.

So in between the hunts for the “perfect” MJ outfits our kids still need some clothes… and inexpensive.  When the girls were first born we were given some outfits which I thought were pretty cute and then every time I put the girls in them I got an overwhelming amount of compliments. Pretty cute indeed! And so I googled the brand wondering where they had come from and you’d never guess.. Wal-mart! Yep you you got it. Garanimals at Wal-mart has some super cute stuff including these cute outfits. I love dressing our girls in their “colors” of pink and purple and these outfits were prefect.. and only $3.88 each might I add and with free shipping which is an even bigger bonus as a mom of 3 under 2 years old. So while I save up for Matilda Jane for these two giggly girls I’ll be shopping at the local Wal-mart. 🙂

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Whole30 Completed

Here we are officially done with 30 days on the Whole30 healthy living program. My husband, Kyle and I are down a combined 36 pounds in 30 days! To celebrate we had our standard Whole30 breakfast of sausage, eggs and fruit, instead of splurging on pancakes. We have a combined 19 pounds to go to our goal weights so while we might loosen up on the rules a tad we still have a ways to go. I’m so thankful for KH and his urging and encouragement to do this together!

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