Sometimes the non-posed pics in between the perfectly posed ones end up being my favorite. Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Love, Sloane, Jude and Maisie 🙂Â
Category Archives: Pieces of Me
Whole30 Completed
Here we are officially done with 30 days on the Whole30 healthy living program. My husband, Kyle and I are down a combined 36 pounds in 30 days! To celebrate we had our standard Whole30Â breakfast of sausage, eggs and fruit, instead of splurging on pancakes. We have a combined 19 pounds to go to our goal weights so while we might loosen up on the rules a tad we still have a ways to go. I’m so thankful for KHÂ and his urging and encouragement to do this together!
Five Months!
Happy 5 months baby girls! You are growing up so fast! This last month really flew by. The girls are getting more and more expressive, constantly smiling and giggling. Sloane is the first to smile but Maisie finds the simplest things to be the funniest. Yesterday they moved classrooms to the “older babies” room and are no longer with the new babies. Maisie is working hard to roll from her back to her belly but she can only make it halfway so far. Sloane loves to suck her right thumb at any given moment no matter if she is awake or sleeping. Both will still take a paci but only on occasion.
The girls are on the same feeding schedule as they were at 4 months so no changes there. Still sleeping great and all through the night around 11.5 hours every night. They are still wearing 6 month pjs and 3-6month onesies fit them the best. We still have them in some 3 month clothes but we are about to retire all of those. Their pants range from 6 month to 9 month pants depending on size and if they were bought new or are hand me downs (I believe the hand me downs must have shrunk some already).
I’m constantly amazed at how much joy these two bring to our family of five (six with Toby!). We are beyond blessed!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Four Months!
January flew by and the girls turned four months old today. They have done a great job their first month at “school” and have also survived their first colds. They both weight 14lb and are still sleeping about 12 hours every night. They are wearing size 6 month in pjs (due to their length) and in their pants (due to their bellies!) but still can wear size 3 month in onesies and tops. All of their dresses are size 3-6 months. Our girls love to smile and laugh. Sloane is more laid back and Maisie is the first to giggle uncontrollably and already more opinionated. They love to look at each other and smile when they see each other. They also love watching their big brother. Most of all they love to be held but we can’t complain because we love snuggling them.
Here is their current schedule:
- 6AM- Wake and Eat 7 oz
- 8AM – 10AM – Nap
- 10AM – Eat 7oz
- 12PM-2PM – Nap
- 2PM- Eat 7oz
- 4PM-6PM – Nap
- 6PM- Eat 7oz
- In bed by 6:30PM
(Side note: The struggle is real to get a picture of these two. These pictures were taken one after another in a total of about 30 seconds. Now you can see why it’s so hard to get them both smiling!)
Three Months!
Happy New Year and Happy three months to these two little ladies! They weigh about 12.5 and 13 lb, eat every 4 hrs during the day and we just stopped their last (5th) feeding of the night and now they sleep 11+ hours! Thank you Moms on Call!  They are wearing 3 month and 3-6 month outfits and 6 month pjs (they are too long for 3 month pjs already!
They are growing and changing so much. My goal in 2016 is to finally get a pic of both of them smiling at the same time! I love these sweet girls!Â
Here is their current schedule:
- 6AM- Wake and Eat 7 oz
- 8AM – 10AM – Nap
- 10AM – Eat 7oz
- 12PM-2PM – Nap
- 2PM- Eat 7oz
- 4PM-6PM – Nap
- 6PM- Eat 7oz
- In bed by 7:30pm*
*When we bathe them we do it after this last feeding and then “top them off” if needed to get them sleepy again and ready for bed. Ideally you would bathe before their last bottle but we can’t make it work with big brother’s schedule.
*Awake time usually involves, eating, tummy time, fun under the play gym or going for a walk outside. The most active they are during their wake time the better their naps are.
*When we put them down for the night they sleep all the way through until they wake up at 6am. They are great sleepers!
*At three months the girls were still in size 1 diapers. A week after writing this we moved them up to size 2 diapers.
Two Months!
Our little loves are officially two months old today! They are growing so fast! They are in size 1 diapers and wear 3 month clothes. Sloane weighs 11 lb and is 22 in long. Maisie weighs 10lb 14 oz and is 22.5 in long. They sleep swaddled, side by side in one of their cribs. They are sleeping roughly 10pm-6am but we are working on getting them both to consistently sleep through the night each and night. We are in love with our little angels 🙂
Here is their current 2 month schedule:
- 6am- wake and eat 5 oz
- 7-9am- nap
- 9am- eat 5 oz
- 10am-12pm- nap
- 12pm – eat 5 oz
- 1pm-3pm – nap
- 3pm – eat 5 oz
- 4-6pm- nap
- 6pm- eat 5 oz
After the 6pm feeding I’ve tried a couple things.. at first we were consistently letting them nap until 9pm and then feeding another 5 oz and then bed from 10pm-6am. However I really wanted to work on dropping that 9pm feeding and getting closer to them sleeping 12 hours so I also tried feeding them a little more at 6pm and then putting them to bed for the night. They woke up a couple times but I never had to feed them. Just gave them their pacis, changed diapers if needed, and then back to bed.
18 Months!
Our boy is 18 months old! Jude loves to play outside, especially with his Little Tykes car (his favorite toy), he loves Elmo, Toy Story, throwing balls, his cars and trucks and is still a big Daddy’s boy. He is an incredible big brother to his sisters and now in addition to patting their heads he likes to give them kisses and hugs and likes for his stuffed animals to do the same.
Jude’s favorite words are “hi,” “uh oh,” and “no” and his favorite animal sounds are “roar,” “moo,” and “woof woof.”
He wears 18 month and 18-24 month clothes, and size 5 shoes. His favorite foods are fruits, especially peaches and strawberries and apple sauce. He also loves meat. He is not a big fan of veggies but we are still working on it. Here is his usual schedule:
7AM – wakeup, breakfast with milk
- 9:30am- snack at school
- 12:00pm- lunch with milk
- 1:30pm-3:30pm- nap
- 3:30pm- snack at school
- 5:30pm- dinner with milk
- 6:30pm- bath and brush teeth
- 7:00pm – bedtime
One Month!
Our little loves are one month old today! I can’t believe how fast time is flying by with these two! They still sleep between each feeding and wake up only once in the middle of the night. Sloane weighs 7lb 13 oz and Maisie weighs 7lb 12oz! They gained over 2 pounds in a month! Unbelievable! Diaper count for the first month is 657 diapers! And they are still wearing newborn diapers and newborn clothes. Love these two!
15 Months!
 Our sweet boy is 15 months today! He is growing and changing so much its hard to capture it all! He currently weighs 21 pounds and is about 30 inches tall. Despite his dad’s 6’3″ height our little man is hanging in right around the 25th percentile for his size. He is finally growing out of his 12 month clothes and now wears 12-18 month (Old Navy and Gap) and 18 month clothes (Carters).
Jude is running all over the place and prefers to walk into school instead of being carried. Still no definite words but the closest is when he holds a phone, remote or anything else up to his ear and says “hi!” 🙂 He can say please, more and all done in sign language and also waves bye and night night.
He still loves his paci and also enjoys playing outside with his Little Tikes car, as well as playing with balls, cars, trucks, books, Little People playsets and any boxes, bags or anything else random laying around the house.
This boy is keeping us running around and on our toys but we are loving every minute. He’s a handful and tons of fun all at the same time 🙂
His current schedule during the day is..
- 7AM: Wake and Breakfast with Milk
- 9:30AM: Snack at school
- 12:00PM: Lunch and Milk at school
- 1:30PM-3:30PM: NAP
- 3:30PM: Snack at school
- 6:00PM: Dinner and Milk
- 6:30PM: Bath
- 7:00PM: Bed