The Order of Solids Part 2

Back in November I started a log of what solids our little man was enjoying those first few weeks he attempted to eat solids. It definitely look us a good month (or more!) to get going but he’s finally up to eating 3 solid meals a day and loving it.  Here’s my updated solids list, broken down by age, as recommended by Sage Spoonfuls.  I still highly recommend this book for anyone looking for any easy resource on how to make their own baby food and what order to introduce each food safely.

Foods safe for 4-6 month olds (we started at 6 months):

  1. Organic Oatmeal mixed with breastmilk served warm
  2. Banana – yellow, ripe with some brown spots – mashed and warmed
  3. Sweet Potato- firm – steamed & mixed with breast milk or formula served warm
  4. Apple- fresh red – steamed and pureed
  5. Avocado- even green color and give a little when squeezed – pureed
  6. Carrot – organic, orange, without cracks- steamed and pureed (The Favorite so far!)
  7. Peas – frozen- steamed and pureed
  8. Zucchini – organic, medium sized and even green in color  – steamed and pureed
  9. Pears – Bartlett or Anjou, slight soft – steamed and pureed (A Favorite!)
  10. Butternut squash – firm to touch and heavy for their size – roasted in oven for 45 min

Also safe but skipped for now: parsnip, pumpkin, potato

Foods safe for 7-9 month olds (we started around 8 months):

  1. Blueberries – fresh, organic – steamed and pureed
  2. Broccoli- fresh -steamed and pureed
  3. Mango- frozen – steamed and pureed
  4. Green Beans – frozen – steamed and pureed
  5. Peaches- frozen- steamed and pureed
  6. Cauliflower – frozen- steamed and pureed

More to come!