The Order of Solids

There are so many different thoughts on which solids you should introduce to your baby first.. rice first because its non allergenic or oatmeal first because rice has no nutritional value. Fruits first so they like the taste, veggies first so they don’t get spoiled by the sweetness of fruit, both first and alternate between fruits and veggies.. but then you still have to decide which to start with. It’s a bit exhausting! Ultimately you just have to decide what you want to do and go with it. Give each food 5 days to make sure there are no allergies and then move on to the next, no matter what your little one will be just fine..

I eventually decided to start with oatmeal (our little one was a week away from his 6 month birthday when we gave him his first taste) and then alternate between fruits and veggies (orange and yellow veggies before green veggies.. last comes meat). For simplicity I also decided to try each for 1 week so I started the new food on the same day and wouldn’t lose track (I’ve got enough to keep up with these days).  If you decide to make your own baby food I found the book Sage Spoonfuls to be a helpful guide to teach you how to buy, prepare and store baby food.

So here’s our baby food list so far:

  1. Organic Oatmeal mixed with breastmilk served warm
  2. Banana – yellow, ripe with some brown spots – mashed and warmed
  3. Sweet Potato- firm – steamed & mixed with breast milk or formula served warm
  4. Apple- fresh red – steamed and pureed
  5. Avocado- even green color and give a little when squeezed – pureed
  6. Carrot – organic, orange, without cracks- steamed and pureed (The Favorite so far!)