Five Months!

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Happy 5 months baby girls! You are growing up so fast! This last month really flew by. The girls are getting more and more expressive, constantly smiling and giggling. Sloane is the first to smile but Maisie finds the simplest things to be the funniest. Yesterday they moved classrooms to the “older babies” room and are no longer with the new babies. Maisie is working hard to roll from her back to her belly but she can only make it halfway so far. Sloane loves to suck her right thumb at any given moment no matter if she is awake or sleeping. Both will still take a paci but only on occasion.

The girls are on the same feeding schedule as they were at 4 months so no changes there. Still sleeping great and all through the night around 11.5 hours every night. They are still wearing 6 month pjs and 3-6month onesies fit them the best. We still have them in some 3 month clothes but we are about to retire all of those. Their pants range from 6 month to 9 month pants depending on size and if they were bought new or are hand me downs (I believe the hand me downs must have shrunk some already).

I’m constantly amazed at how much joy these two bring to our family of five (six with Toby!). We are beyond blessed!

Whole30 Burgers with Sweet Potato Buns

IMG_9889We are nearing the end of our Whole30. I’ll give a full update on how the last 30 days have been after Tuesday of next week. Tonight we tried another recipe from The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom book we’ve been using. We had burgers with sweet potato buns and homemade ketchup. This recipe was quick, easy and delicious. Perfect dinner idea for a weeknight and a healthy alternative to no bun. The ketchup was also incredible- so good that my husband already threw our Heinz bottle in the trash. Another tasty hit!

Sweet Potato Buns


  • 1 thick round sweet potato
  • 2 tbsp cooking fat
  • salt and pepper


  • Peel the sweet potato and cut into 1/2 inch thick rounds.
  • Heat the cooking fat over medium heat in a large skillet, swirling to cast the bottom of the pan.
  • When the fat is hot, add the largest slices from the middle of the potato, laying them out in a single layer in the pan. Cook until fork-tender and browned, 3 to 5 minutes on each side.
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  • Let cook, then stack a burger and fillings between two slices of sweet potato and serve.

Whole30 Ketchup


  • 1 cup tomato paste
  • .5 cup apple cider*
  • .5 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • .5 tsp salt

*Make sure you follow the Whole30 rules when buying apple cider. No sugar added or in the ingredient list.


  • Heat a medium saucepan ove medium heat. Add the tomato paste, apple cider, and vinegar. Stir completely and let it come to a simmer, do not allow to boil.
  • Add the garlic powder and salt and cook, stirring frequently to prevent scorching – you may need to turn the heat down to low or simmer here.
  • Simmer until the ketchup has thickened enough to evenly coat the back of a spoon, 5 to 8 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  • Serve when cool. Will keep in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.


Bathing Twins

IMG_0493Recently another twin mom asked me how I bathe the girls when I’m by myself. It’s a pretty simple process but it is still a process and was one another twin mom had to teach me in order for me to successfully handle bath time with both girls by myself.

There are a couple things you need for this method:

  • Baby Bath sponges like THESE
  • At least one bouncy seat (two makes it even easier but I don’t like having two bouncy seats in our bathroom at all times)
  • Two towels

To get started I fill the tub with warm water a couple inches high and place the bath sponges in the water and place a towel on the bouncy seat. Then I strip down both babies to their diapers. I place baby A in the bouncy seat with her diaper on. Then I take baby B and take off her diaper and lay her on a sponge in the water. I then remove baby A’s diaper and put her on a sponge.

I was them both back and forth continuing to cover them with warm water starting from their head to their toes. Once they are clean I take baby A out and place her in the bouncy seat with the towel and wrap her up and leave her in the seat. Then I grab the second towel and take out baby B. At this point you could lay her in a second bouncy seat but I take her to the bed and then go back and grab baby A. They both then get diapers and pjs.

And that’s how you bathe twins on your own 🙂 Anyone else have any other bath time tips?

Whole30 Chili

We are officially halfway through the Whole30. We are both doing well and feeling great! I’ve lost 7 lb already and Kyle has lost 10 lb. He has more energy but I haven’t really experienced or noticed any change in my energy levels. We are both really aware now of how much we used to snack, especially when it came to nibbling little bits here and there as we fed our son. Being on the Whole30 has made a huge difference as we are paying more attention to what we eat and how often.

For dinners we usually grill some meat or fish and steam some veggies but we have made a couple recipes from the Whole30 book. This one is probably our favorite so far- its yummy and easy and since you can cook it in a crock pot its the perfect weekday winter meal. Enjoy!


  • 1 pound ground meat (we used beff)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp mustard powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes
  • 2 cups beef broth


Heat a large pot over medium-high heat. Add ground beef and cook until the meat is fully browned, 7 to 10 minutes. Remove the meat and set aside. Add the onions, garlic, cumin, chili powder, paprika, mustard powder, and salt to the pan. Reduce heat to medium low and cook until onions are translucent, 4 to 5 minutes.

Transfer all contents to the slow cooker. Add bell peppers, tomatoes, and broth and set to low heat, cooking for 6 to 8 hours.

Updating the Nursery

Screen Shot 2016-02-20 at 4.40.21 PMWe finally were able to update the girls’ room and get these canvases printed. I’ve been wanting to add these pictures since we first had them taken a week after the girls were born and we finally got it finished. We printed them via They are constantly having a sale and so we took advantage of one of their 80% off sales and ordered these two canvases as well as one other. I noticed when we received them the edges were damaged and had a brown coloring around the corners. I contacted and they sent me new replacement canvases. And I didn’t have to return the damaged ones. I was super happy with their customer service. Another win!

Four Months!

Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 5.21.38 AM January flew by and the girls turned four months old today. They have done a great job their first month at “school” and have also survived their first colds. They both weight 14lb and are still sleeping about 12 hours every night. They are wearing size 6 month in pjs (due to their length) and in their pants (due to their bellies!) but still can wear size 3 month in onesies and tops. All of their dresses are size 3-6 months. Our girls love to smile and laugh. Sloane is more laid back and Maisie is the first to giggle uncontrollably and already more opinionated. They love to look at each other and smile when they see each other. They also love watching their big brother. Most of all they love to be held but we can’t complain because we love snuggling them.

Here is their current schedule:

  • 6AM- Wake and Eat 7 oz
  • 8AM – 10AM – Nap
  • 10AM – Eat 7oz
  • 12PM-2PM – Nap
  • 2PM- Eat 7oz
  • 4PM-6PM – Nap
  • 6PM- Eat 7oz
  • In bed by 6:30PM

(Side note: The struggle is real to get a picture of these two. These pictures were taken one after another in a total of about 30 seconds. Now you can see why it’s so hard to get them both smiling!)

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Mexican Corn

This month we are making four meals for four different friends who just had babies. Each meal we are bringing some form of Mexican food- one of our favorites! My go to side item for Mexican is often black beans so when I finally found this recipe (and loved it) I knew we had to write this one down. If you’re looking for a quick and easy side dish with ingredients you’ll most likely find in your pantry then you’ll love Mexican corn!

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 3 cups corn (about 4 ears), cut from the cob
  • 1/2 jalapeno, seeded and finely diced
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1 glove garlic, grated
  • 2 green onions, sliced
  • 1 handful cilantro, chopped
  • 1 lime, juice
  • 2 tablespoons cotija (or feta), crumbled
  • chili powder to taste
  1. Melt the butter in a heavy skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Add the corn, toss and let it sit cooking until charred, mix it up and let it char again, about 6-10 minutes.
  3. Add the jalapeno, saute for a minute and remove from heat.
  4. Mix everything and serve warm or at room temperature.

*This is one of those recipes that you don’t need to include all of the ingredients. We’ve often made it without the feta, jalapeños and even onion. It’s great with as many or as few ingredients as you want to include.

Three Months!

Happy New Year and Happy three months to these two little ladies! They weigh about 12.5 and 13 lb, eat every 4 hrs during the day and we just stopped their last (5th) feeding of the night and now they sleep 11+ hours! Thank you Moms on Call!  They are wearing 3 month and 3-6 month outfits and 6 month pjs (they are too long for 3 month pjs already!

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They are growing and changing so much. My goal in 2016 is to finally get a pic of both of them smiling at the same time! I love these sweet girls! 

Here is their current schedule:

  • 6AM- Wake and Eat 7 oz
  • 8AM – 10AM – Nap
  • 10AM – Eat 7oz
  • 12PM-2PM – Nap
  • 2PM- Eat 7oz
  • 4PM-6PM – Nap
  • 6PM- Eat 7oz
  • In bed by 7:30pm*

*When we bathe them we do it after this last feeding and then “top them off” if needed to get them sleepy again and ready for bed. Ideally you would bathe before their last bottle but we can’t make it work with big brother’s schedule.

*Awake time usually involves, eating, tummy time, fun under the play gym or going for a walk outside. The most active they are during their wake time the better their naps are.

*When we put them down for the night they sleep all the way through until they wake up at 6am. They are great sleepers!

*At three months the girls were still in size 1 diapers. A week after writing this we moved them up to size 2 diapers.