Our boy is 18 months old! Jude loves to play outside, especially with his Little Tykes car (his favorite toy), he loves Elmo, Toy Story, throwing balls, his cars and trucks and is still a big Daddy’s boy. HeĀ is an incredible big brother to his sisters and now in addition to patting their heads he likes to give them kisses and hugs and likes for his stuffed animals to do the same.
Jude’s favorite words are “hi,” “uh oh,” and “no” and his favorite animal sounds are “roar,” “moo,” and “woof woof.”
He wears 18 month and 18-24 month clothes, and size 5 shoes. His favorite foods are fruits, especially peaches and strawberries and apple sauce. He also loves meat. He is not a big fan of veggies but we are still working on it. Here is his usual schedule:
7AM – wakeup, breakfast with milk
- 9:30am- snack at school
- 12:00pm- lunch with milk
- 1:30pm-3:30pm- nap
- 3:30pm- snack at school
- 5:30pm- dinner with milk
- 6:30pm- bath and brush teeth
- 7:00pm – bedtime