11 Months!

Screen Shot 2016-09-03 at 7.58.39 PM Happy 11 months Sloane and Maisie!

Sloane keeps us on our toes. She was originally the “laid back one” but has since successfully eaten Toby’s dog food, most things on the floor and outside including dirt, and even attempted to eat one of my earrings. She loves to follow around her big brother and is the master at stealing toys and pacis (and anything else she can get her hands on.) Her first word was “mama,” but I’m not sure she knows what it means yet 🙂

Maisie is the sweetest. She absolutely loves standing and gets so excited every time she does. She is super patient, even when Sloane steals her paci (most of the time) and loves being around everyone else. My guess is that her first word will be “Dada” – she is so close!

Sloane is our squealer and Maisie is our belly laugher. They are both awesome eaters and sleepers and crawling around non stop. Their new favorite trick is clapping when you say yay! And they are always ready to wave bye-bye in unison. My favorite thing at this stage is when I sit on the floor and they immediately crawl over and get in my lap. Pure sweetness with these two! Love them!

They are currently outgrowing all of their 9 month clothes and moving into 12 month clothes. Only exception is pjs- 12 month are getting too short already and so soon we will be on to 18 month.

Here is their current feeding and nap schedules:

  • 6:30AM – Wake and eat 8 oz bottle
  • 7:00AM- Eat oatmeal (about 4 oz) and cheerios or cut fruit
  • 10:00AM- Nap
  • 11:00AM/11:30AM- Eat 6 oz bottle
  • 11:30AM- Eat yogurt (4 oz) and pouch (4 oz) each
  • 2:00 PM – Nap
  • 3:00/3:30PM – Eat 6 oz bottle
  • 3:30PM- Eat pureed baby food (4 oz combo of veggie and fruit) and finger foods
  • 5:30PM – Eat pureed baby food (4oz – 6 oz) combo of veggie and fruit
  • 6:00PM – Bath
  • 6:30PM- Bed for the night