Sample Schedule 3-5 months

Our boy just turned 5 months this week (22 weeks) and we decided to try a 4 hour feeding schedule instead of his current 3.5 hour schedule. Mainly because of his last two feedings being so close together and for ease in planning our days. Not sure if it is going to stick yet but here is our previous 3.5 hour schedule which he was on from 12 to 22 weeks.

3.5 Hour Schedule (12-22 weeks)

  • 7 Wake him up and Eat – nurse about 15 minutes
    • usually a cat nap in the car on the way to work for about 20 minutes
    • 9- down for a nap, on his back, in a sleep sack with his paci
  • 10:30 Eat – 7 oz bottle
    • 11:30/12 – he is usually ready for a nap earlier at this point (less wake time)
    • On his back, in a sleep sack with his paci -even at daycare
  • 2:00 Eat- 7 oz bottle
    • 3:30-4:15 – short nap
    • I pick him up from daycare at 4:30, occasional cat nap in the car on the way home
  • 5:30 Eat – nurse about 20-30 minutes
  • 7:00 Bath, Bottle, Bed – usually another 7 oz bottle

This schedule was great for our initial school (daycare) and work routine. I would wake up at 5:30 am and get completely ready before waking up our boy at 7. Then I’d feed him and pump (while he sat in his bumbo or played with Daddy) and then be out the door by 8:15 to head to daycare and then work. On days when I had to be at work by 8:30 I’d wake up earlier and pump before feeding him but keep his wake time at 7 am.